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Old 17-08-2018, 07:12 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by God-Like
The intellectual path I am following is a path where I have opened a thread about who/m or what is the doer .

Can you open a post or start a thread from the heart only? from beyond the mind?

The answer is a big fat juicy No ..

Who/m or what is the doer - doing is not necessarily reflecting separation but quite obviously the very fact that the question is presented reflects duality .

We are in experience of the physical aspect of self / mind there really is no need to compare this experience with beyond duality .

There is no you beyond but there is a you here and now .

Things go pear shaped pretty quickly like it did with starman when there is the idea that there is no you that is doing .

As explained YOU have said YOU are not ME so you are already in a mindful environment that reflects duality and intellect .

It is futile for peeps to suggest that right here and right now they are beyond that .

Wherever there is a sense of oneself there is a doer, what can happen is the sense of oneself changes ..

One minute there is the sense that I AM the person only the next there is the sense that you are much more than that .

A non dual state of Brahman reflects a peep that wants sex?

In a non dual state of Brahman does that peep see their partner as their partner or do they see themselves?

Are they desiring sex with themselves?

Desire is dual in nature ..

Doesn't make sense .

x daz x
I don't need to start a thread about living in the heart, beyond the mind.... because if you go into the Hindu forum...see a thread about BHAKTI YOGA...It is all THERE...and in full detail. I have already "done my bit" in regards...but you missed it...not my bad.
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