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Old 17-08-2018, 07:07 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by God-Like
Considering that you and shivani were the only ones disagreeing with me at the time you then spoke to her in agreement and then went on to say that no mount of explanation would be suffice through a lack of understanding had so to speak .

If it was not I that you was referring too in regards to having a lack of understanding then who/m are you referring too? Who/m else was disagreeing with you at this same time about the same subject at hand?

Shivani Like Starman, I am going to have to leave it here because you and I are coming from a totally different place (the heart has nothing to do with mind)....and Starman would also understand me.

Starman It does not exist for those who have not experienced it, and no amount of explanation will suffice
for those who are not even open to the possibility that there is an existence beyond their thoughts,
beyond their mind, etc. It is a whole different paradigm. Another test in compassion.

You are welcome not to engage with me and continue the conversation, I was sincerely asking you questions previously about how you have derived at your conclusions .. Simple questions based upon if there was no doer then how can there be an observer or thinker ..

You went onto explain that it is not your place to make me understand your experiences and such likes .. not a very good start or way to converse is it .. *shrugs shoulders*

From my experience of conversing with peeps (short for people) who say there is no doer normally ends in a similar fashion because they can't actually answer the questions asked and quite quickly put up a wall of defence like you have .

Peeps end up either being rude or clam up and no longer want to converse .

It's a familiar pattern .

It's really quite silly when you look at it from a point where even peeps that say they are not here will defend that position as if their life depends on it .. That's odd when they don't believe they are here .. Same goes for there is no doer or that they are egoless and such likes ..

x daz x
Or they fully realise that the whole experience is entirely "state specific" as per the definition given by Charles Tart:

When two people have achieved a similar level of "spiritual Gnosis" a rapport is established, whereby one who has not had that similar experience would become defensive and even hostile.

Starman and myself are communicating beyond words here...even though words appear... but they can only take one so far in trying to relate a concept which another would be in disagreement with, because their level of vibration is totally different.

Then, of course we clam up and for no other reason than continued discussion would be a total waste of time and not get anybody anywhere...and for no other agenda.
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