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Old 10-08-2018, 09:11 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,468
heya, I spent 30 years seeing you around every corner, but you were never there. And not only did you reinforce not wanting me that way but you told me explicitly you don't want me the one time I had enough energy to approach you directly.

And not only that, I lost my last life because I wanted you after you explicitly told me you didn't want me, and that was up close and personal then. If I'd listened then to what you were saying instead of demanding that you be there for me I might have had a nice life with someone more reasonable, instead of losing something treasurable.

I'm not discontent mind you, there are things to do after all even though it doesn't seem likely there is any 'out' of the prison I'm in because of the way I reacted... just I've been on this roller coaster for enough lives and I've spent a lot of this life (where once again you didn't want me mind you) trying to figure out how to not buy this snake oil the devil is selling. Now that I finally sorta have a grip on that my only reaction is, if you are going to tell me you don't want me I think I have to listen.

You are welcome to leave if you don't like that :shrugs:.