Thread: Who I Am Not
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Old 30-06-2018, 04:14 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Thank you all for the replies in this thread. I am reading and digesting them all, without trying to overthink or over reason this.

The last two comments made by Iamit and Melahin come to the whole crux of the matter.

In certain schools of Non dual thought, we are taught about Maya and the concept of neti neti, in that anything which is not the Absolute Reality or Brahman is only a false perception, which is called Mithyavadi or superimposition, like how a rope is thought to be a snake in the darkness. This includes any association with an individual consciousness with a universal or all pervading one.

In another school of Non dual thought, such as those propounded by Ramana, Brahman also includes Maya, but then how does one differentiate the divided from the undivided Self if all, including the ego is Brahman? If "Oneness" is manifesting as ego, what is to stop somebody from doing a heinous crime like murder and say "I did not kill anybody, Oneness killed Oneness..

Having said that, I also understand that the question "who am I" has no answer. It is the ultimate Koan.
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