Thread: Who I Am Not
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Old 29-06-2018, 04:35 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Last night, I watched two movies on YouTube.

The first one was called "Kumbh" all about the Khumba Mela in India, and the second one was called "Jnani" and it was a documentary all about the life and times of Sri Ramana Maharishi.

Here are the links to both:

After watching the second movie, I got to thinking...

There is a lot of emphasis placed on the "I" or "Self" through self-inquiry to find out "who/what I AM".

If I ask myself this question, I get one of three "answers".

"I am the ego self" or "I am the mind and body conglomerate" or "I am nothing or no one".

For me, the whole inquiry and awareness totally rests on who I am NOT and I guess I can take something from the Buddhist teachings in regards, to the concept of Anatta, or no-self and no "I" because for me at least, as soon as the word "I" or "Self" is used, there is an immediate identification with identity and being this person who "I" am at the physical and mental level.

I thought the whole goal was to transcend the "I" and not to identify by saying "I am Oneness" or "I am Brahman" but rather, "Oneness IS" or "Brahman IS" either respective and/or inclusive OF the "I".

This has been my main sticking point with Advaita Vedanta and non-duality, because whenever somebody says "I AM" there's always room for "you are what"?

Please discuss.

Hi Shivani,

We will agree that Oneness/Brahman is the only reality. So what is all this stuff we see around us, including us? Well surely it flows from the first assertion that it must be Oneness/Brahman "looking" like all this with names and titles. So at least that is clear is it not?
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