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Old 21-06-2018, 05:15 PM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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Arrow Address My Cosmic Outline and Get Back To Me

lemex--What do you mean live and what is this living us?

Exist as biological/soul/life/"live" creatures. Your a real live wire, is and expression.

Or if you cannot grasp what the word "live" means then replace it with the word exists within our finite, occupied space Universe/Uni-V-erse.
Is it consciousness that is meant?

Biological/soul/life comes with varing degrees of consciousness. Anyone who does not grasp that is not very well educated, yet. Maybe grade school or junior high. Of course levels of education can vary greatly also.

What is occupied space?

Your kidding, right? Unlike others, Ive explained, defined and clarified what I mean by occupied space in this thread several times. Have you been out to lunch?

Ive explained, defined and clarified what I mean by occupied space countless times here at SF. Have you been out to lunch the last 3 years or so Ive been posting that?

Occupied space is merely within unoccupied space, dimensionally or not.

So you have read my Cosmic Outline as Ive stated this for a few years now at SP, and many years elsewhere, except I use the word non-occupied space, but few peoples ego will allow them to type that word as Ive presented. Go figure. Ego?


Occupied space has set boundaries.

Dynamic boundaries.


Occupied space is a unit.

Yeah my a/c unit sits outside my house.


Occupied space is not infinite space but within infinite space.

YEah, Ive been stating that using differrent words that you fear quoting or referencing. Go figure. Ego?


There are in fact many occupied spaces.

Yeah so what. Fermion bosons aggregate in many ways. IVe stated this in my cosmic outline for years. You dont want to reference my Cosmic Outline. Go figure. Ego?


Infinite space contains all the sets and subsets within it, which are like rooms we inhabit.

IVe stated this using other words for years here at SF. Finite occupied space is embrace by macro-infinite non-occupied space.

Address my Cosmic Outline as reference when you want to place your ego to the side.

What sets it apart is the wavelengths of energy. Why are there so many different wavelengths and not just one big clump of one.

What your trying to say and Ive made clear for years is differrentiation between this that and many occupied spaces that are fundamentally fermions, bosons, Gravity ( ) and Dark Energy )(.

Read and address my Cosmic Outline when you want to place your ego to the side.

There is not one occupied space but many possible ones and they each are unique in infinite space.

All unigue ergo differrentiated{ discrete } occupied spaces are connected by Gravity ( ). This is well known for 100 years or more.

Whats new is how Ive presented Dark Energy )( being intimate to Gravity ( )

PLease address my Cosmic Outline Ive been posting for years around here when you want to place your ego to side and see Ive stated what your stating, for years using differrent words.

Living things cannot but exist in occupied space but not unoccupied space. Unoccupied space would have to be transformed to be occupied. Moving outside the boundaries can be done by consciousness which is what I think this is about.

Universe exists with macro-infinite non-occupied space. Seriously dude, you need to address my Cosmic Outline and get on board with simple rational, logical common sense Ive expressed for years around here.

You bring up a valid point about "God" within. Can the infinite fit within the finite. Not possible imo. This is a point I've considered for a long time now, expectations.

R B Fuller would disagree with you and has stated his thoughts on micro-infinite, occupied space in various books of his.

Ive presented some of those ideas, quotes and links to them over the years here at SF.

"God" would not create and could not create some thing (event) contrary to occupied space. It is already set. To create would bring in what is not within occupied space, everything would need to be remade and tweaked. Unoccupied space would not be able to fit within occupied space but occupied space can fit with unoccupied space. If "God" showed itself it would be with what occupies space not with what does not.

Huh? Confusing mess above by you,. You need to read and address my Cosmic Outline as I have laid out all of jumble mess in clear hierchial outline/list for years.

Place you ego to the side and address my Cosmic Outline. Seerious, it is only ego that keeps others from addressing it.

Then those who go off on all kinds of divergent asides and distractions, to avoid the rational, logical common sense conclusions Ive arrived at for years now.

I can get an inkling of what is asked about the Source.

There is no "source" in my cosmic outline. You have me confused with someone else.


I think what is being said is all things have a source and occupied space is not a source but that which we are in. In reality it is not real but is a construct. Occupied space such as 3d space is not permanent but is temporary. There are questions as to why this is. Personally, I don't focus on physical properties and as I've noted before physical things has properties we know, properties built into them.

Confusing mish mash by you above. Spatial 3D SPACE plus Observed TIME.

Occupied space has no source i.e. occupied space exists eternally. See 1st law of thermodynamics and replace word energy with occupied space.

That is if you want get on board my Cosmic Outline of rational, logical common sense. Obviously you not want to, otherwise you would address my Cosmic Outline directly as stated. Ego?
Btw, if anyone disagrees please let me know if you like. This is something I've seen for a long time and never said anything before. You know, sometimes things aren't said for years and held it.

Ive stated plenty for years in many various formats, outlines, lists and have always welcomed any disscussion with others who are sincere in their desire to understand anything Ive presented.
"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
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