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Old 10-06-2018, 04:14 AM
gypsymystique gypsymystique is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 2,095
I used to be against payment for healing, and certain services until I was given a different perspective. Healers pay thousands of dollars to learn better ways of healing and treatments, etc. That doesn't come at no cost. Also, the pay covers the time. If a healer is making his/her money at a full time job, then they have very little time to heal. It's not like the old days where people bring their shaman food, tools etc.

Most people I know of DO refund if they can't help someone, or they tell the person up front. It's not always a limitation of the healer not to provide a service, but often it is incompatible energy.

Having an evaluation system would be great. There's just no one there to govern that. There are websites out there to rate medical doctors that are used infrequently, case in point.
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