Thread: The garden
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Old 02-06-2018, 09:44 PM
Moonglow Moonglow is offline
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Posting these thoughts here.

What is the difference between a garden, a meadow, or a forest?

This question popped into my mind as a metaphor of sorts. So, adding the thoughts here.
Welcome to add your own if felt.

A garden is a place selected to select what is planted, what is preferred, what is nurtured, and what is collected.

A meadow or forest grows as it was established, not by me, but by the conditions with in nature. I had nor have no choice in this.

So looking at these two lines of thoughts, reflecting upon my own place here upon this existence.

My mind in a way is like a garden. Ideas, thoughts perspectives, take seed. Those given attention seem to grow and expand. While others seem to drift by upon the winds of consciousness. I seem to focus upon that which is preferred, that which nurtures (in a way), and feed what may grow and/or be noticed.

I have some choice in this, although some may drift in or be planted by another experience, person, or occurances

It seems to be formed by my creation and perspective as to how it may be envisioned and/or interpreted.

Nature and creation of itself seem to be of its own. It adapts, grows, expands according to the changes that may occur and what has been established with in itself. A meadow or Forrest ( for example), has its synchrenism with all that is with in it.
I don' t control this, yet can enter it and feel the rhythm and while there am part of it.

It takes care of itself and no thinking with in itself is involved. (Atleast, in the way of trying to be this way or that).

So, where am I going with this? Suppose relating to being here in this realm and finding ways to relate that are living with in it all and looking to nature as the guide.

May be wordy in relaying the thoughts, but find most times words are not needed. It is all there to be lived. Whether as a garden (preferred/selected)or as a wild Forrest/meadow (allowed to do what it will)
Seem both are experienced in life.

Any thoughts/reflections are welcomed

Thanks for reading this
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