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Old 26-05-2018, 06:18 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
Originally Posted by innerlight
This is one of the tenants of manifestation I always struggle with. That the universe will provide you with everything you could possibly ever need, and then some. That you will always be taken care of.

I have issues with this too. While I have found that whatever I truly NEED is provided, it doesn't seem right to expect everything I might want to be handed to me.

Maybe I don't understand the whole LOA thing, but I cannot help but believe Universe/God wants me to do for myself everything that I am capable of... especially when it comes to things that I WANT instead of NEED.

There is always more to want. If I decide that wanting something hard enough will make it materialize... that sounds so much like entitlement. Like a child expecting a pony under their Christmas tree simply because they WANT it so badly.

I am entitled to exactly squat, though Universe does seem to take care of my basic necessities for the most part. I would much rather live simply, trust Universe knows what it is doing, and leave the manifesting/wishing for more to others.
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