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Old 25-02-2006, 01:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Angela

Is this the first time you've felt a presence around you? Or the first time this has been connected to something more negative? If so then the fear could have been coming from you;trying to accept and acknowledge that you are picking up messages or feelings from the other side can be scary sometimes and if we tense up it could feed the fear and paralysis.

I have experienced lots of times when this has happened and a couple have really scared me. One was a few years ago, when I was just starting to accept that I 'just know' something is going to happen to one of my friends or family.

I was at home with my flat mate, when I suddenly became restless. My flat mate was used to this; it's usually when I can feel something in the air but don't have any idea what it is related to, great when it feels positive and full of fun.
This restlessness was more uncomfortable. I managed to work out that it was one of my family. I went to visit some of my family and even drove past one on my way to others and although I couldn't narrow it down to one person, I felt that it wouldn't end in a death. I did manage to rule out two of them, the two I was most concerned about.
The next day, while at work, one of my brothers had a bad accident and was extremely lucky not to severe his artery or lose his hand.
I have also had lots of just knowing with my dad; good and bad (we are both sensitives so have a strong connection). If you think hearing about these would help, let me know.

I hope this helps you gain insight into your own experience.

Claira x