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Old 17-05-2018, 03:42 PM
Bluefonsy Bluefonsy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 69
Thank you sparrow, I will listen to my heart more, when Im scared/sad/angry I will listen to what it has to say. Another question which I meant to be quick about but it will probably take some explanation. What are hauntings exactly. I watched a documentary 'ghosts on the undergorund' it was so good ☺️☺️��, I recommend it. Individuals recount how figures appear to them then disappear, sometimes these figures are even visable on CCTV but not to the naked eye. Items of clothing can be materialised, people can be dragged or pushed, doors can slam. What in the world are these manifistations? I thought dead humans passed into the spirit world where they have a life review etc rather than staying here trapped. I mean, are they in some sort of netherworld close to this one where they are 'in and out' sometimes showing themselves to us sometimes unable to do so?

When I have listened to mediums nearly all deceased humans I have known are clearly in a more advanced place where they have little power to do anything in this world except watch as an observer. Hauntings seem strange, like if they really are trapped in a physical location(ish) on this earth they must be bored out of their skull (not literally) just stuck in a rail station or church etc..... or maybe

....these ghosts and poltergeists are not even deceased humans, rather something else (shock horror)
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