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Old 06-05-2018, 12:09 PM
OPVerma OPVerma is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Scientific Spirituality is easiest and best option.

Originally Posted by iamthat
A false guru may interpret spiritual writings to suit his or her own agenda, but they still require followers who are willing to believe what they say. If 400 men allowed themselves to be castrated then they only have themselves to blame. There is a tendency in all cults for followers to hand over their power to a teacher and then claim that they were innocent victims. At some point people have to take responsibility for their own choices.

This is not quite so straightforward. There are variations of water - for example heavy water with a chemical formula of D2O, or deuterium oxide. Deuterium is a hydrogen isotope which is heavier and less stable than hydrogen.

And water has its own particular properties. Consider the research of Masaru Emoto who has shown that water is affected by consciousness, and that different emotional energies and vibrations will affect the structure of ice crystals produced when water is frozen.

It depends what you mean by scientific ways. Yes, spirituality can be considered a science, and if people do particular practices then they might expect particular results. Hence the emphasis in Yoga on finding a teacher who can teach such practices - in theory if the student does these practices as taught, then they will attain the same state of realisation as the teacher. But it is human nature to experiment with variations, and we are not all the same - what works for one person may not be suited to someone else.


Very sensible arguments. My answers :

1. People accept Guru as per their level of understanding and nature. It is easy for these quack Gurus to show rosy benefits of spirituality to poor fellows and promise them to end their misery by being his disciple. Nature protects virtuous whether rich or poor. Those who have some Karma Baggage and devoid of Nature's protection become victim and suffer. Nature's Bio-Laws crack down these Gurus too for cheating offence.

2. WE are talking about the formula of water and not its isotopes. In polymerization reactions the formula changes every second but we are not talking about that.

3. Spirituality is not just some art of Yoga but is a science too. By knowing Nature's Bio laws of action, that are like Newton's Laws of Motion, everyone gets the same result- protection by Nature and liberation from earthly existence.

Similarly by knowing the body constitution of God ( ref Bhaagavd Gita 7: 4-5 that extends upto 8: 30 ) " Even at the time of death if a person can come to understand Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva and Adhiyagya his consciousness would get united with Me (8:30). This is purely a subject matter of science. As I have understood it ( one can read it in 21st Century Bhgavad-Gita ISBN 9788190950244) one would never go wrong and would always be victorious.
I challenged $10 billion LHC experiment and God failed this experiment 5 times to establish my theories. No one can deny.

Actually for science educated persons Scientific Spirituality is easiest and best option.
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