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Old 05-05-2018, 08:05 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by OPVerma
VERY DANGEROUS as one can interpret spirituality to serve ones own personal interest.

Ram Rahim, a self styled Guru,(having 60 million followers) claiming to be a messenger of God, castrated over 400 man for up keeping his harems at different centers. There are many such Gurus including Asharam who interpreted scriptures to serve their interest, are now behind bar.

A false guru may interpret spiritual writings to suit his or her own agenda, but they still require followers who are willing to believe what they say. If 400 men allowed themselves to be castrated then they only have themselves to blame. There is a tendency in all cults for followers to hand over their power to a teacher and then claim that they were innocent victims. At some point people have to take responsibility for their own choices.

Like the chemical formula of water H2O that does not change nor could be mis interpreted, Spirituality too is a science and should be practiced in its scientific essence.

This is not quite so straightforward. There are variations of water - for example heavy water with a chemical formula of D2O, or deuterium oxide. Deuterium is a hydrogen isotope which is heavier and less stable than hydrogen.

And water has its own particular properties. Consider the research of Masaru Emoto who has shown that water is affected by consciousness, and that different emotional energies and vibrations will affect the structure of ice crystals produced when water is frozen.

All those persons who hold their own literary views on spirituality are doing futile exercise and wasting their time. They should mend their ways and turn to scientific ways.

It depends what you mean by scientific ways. Yes, spirituality can be considered a science, and if people do particular practices then they might expect particular results. Hence the emphasis in Yoga on finding a teacher who can teach such practices - in theory if the student does these practices as taught, then they will attain the same state of realisation as the teacher. But it is human nature to experiment with variations, and we are not all the same - what works for one person may not be suited to someone else.

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