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Old 05-05-2018, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by OPVerma
VERY DANGEROUS as one can interpret spirituality to serve ones own personal interest.
I don't know about dangerous but spirituality is ultimately esoteric so there are no absolutes and we interpret what we face in every respect, to arrive at our view of reality which to me encompasses everything from the physical to the farthest reaches of the astral.

It seems the nature of the thing. Words are just signs for ideas and the meanings we individually get from an author's words are unique to us, as I see it.

The point about water being unchangeable (no matter how you define it chemically or physically) is that everyone with the right instruments can check and see that it's the case. Water exists independently of observers. That isn't so with most spiritual concepts which are noumenal (facts to us individually because we make them so but cannot be observed externally).

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