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Old 02-05-2018, 07:47 PM
Posts: n/a
It is my understand, based on channelings from Bart and other sources, that no consciousness is at all separated from the "source". Indeed it is misleading to think in geometrical terms where the source is in one place and a human consciousness is in another. Rather the source is embodied by the entirety of it's created, manifested "body". Within this whole each little piece of matter or soul is connected to the whole as it is qualified to do so. So a rock has little consciousness but a human soul has much more. Both being within the body of the source.

It is also my understanding that human souls are born to their appropriate plane (usually the high end of the mental). They are born in groups of souls with a common soul. Then they prepare to come to Earth to begin their long series of lifetimes. As a part of this they must learn to be individuals because that is the way we live here. So the individual human soul begins by taking on it's first physical body/personality. Long ages later when the cycle is complete human souls reform into groups and leave. So.... the phenomena of individuality is only found on physical worlds.

I find no mysteries in any of this. I also firmly believe that a human soul must inhabit a human body. This is because in no other form would the physical brain be adequate for expression. There are all sorts of souls. Mineral, vegetable, animal, human and post human. They exists in their own evolutionary circles wherein there is a progression from one to another but each type is limited to the corresponding physical form.

The term "time and space" seems to refer to our familiar universe. Above the physical there is time of a different sort and there is space only in that surroundings can be discerned but none of these are in any way comparable to the lower physical reflections.

Regarding our guides. Human souls live in groups on their own plane. Within each one or two will be more advanced than the others. These often serve as guides. We, in turn, (our souls that is) will also be guides to others junior to us. It is commonly believed that there is a race of beings apart that supports lesser activities. It is my belief based on many channelings that it is advanced human and post humanity that serves in these capacities. Adepts and master souls are only human souls that have achieved a certain level of awareness and thus responsibility. Many groups of human souls are found near to the Earth working to support our planet. These are not mysterious beings from distant unknowable realms. They are us but only more advanced. Where they are and what they do we will also do when we are grown. This great assemblage is known in esoteria as the hierarchy of the planet. At it's head is one most senior who bears the title of Christ (world teacher). There is nothing religious in any of this. That title, through it's Greek origins, has been borrowed by those who began the Christian group.

Interesting exchange. Most of the little areas of discussion are to do with differing terms. But there is no need for conformity on such a level. To do so would foster just another divide or separation. We humans are pretty good at that already....

Thanks for the fun discussion.

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