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Old 30-03-2018, 06:28 PM
Moonglow Moonglow is offline
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Originally Posted by Greenslade
Namaste Moonglow

The other day I watched a mother and child make their way out of the supermarket, the mother laden and the child errant. The child wanted to go anywhere except where he was being told to by the parent - you probably know what I mean. I stood where I didn't want the child to be, using a bit of reverse psychology because there were cars on the go. Perhaps we're still that child, wanting to go anywhere other than to where we should be going. In the rush to be Spiritual we don't realise that we came from Spirit, and perhaps the most Spiritual thing we can do is be human because sometimes being human is far more awesome than having a head full of contradictory beliefs, theologies and ideologies.

Life is for the Living, Spirituality is for those mortals who stand waiting to die.

Thing is Moonglow, who or what is so downright awesome? Who or what is this 'I'? If we don't know who this 'I' is, how can we tell if he's so damned awesome if we don't know what we're talking about? You see, your brain has a thought then 200 (I seem to remember) milliseconds later you're conscious of it. You are not the thinker of your thoughts, so who or what is? Or are you just a consciousness along for the ride?

Sorry but it makes me laugh. I was listening to the radio in the car with my daughter when a very old but reworked song came on that had been a favourite of mine at the time. As I sang along she looked shocked. "Dad! How can you know the words? That's a new song." I let that one go, it's what dads do, they have superhuman powers. Ahem! It's the same with Spirituality, it's regurgitated whatever came before. Feeling unworthy was happening even pre-Christianity and we're still doing the same things today. If nothing changes then nothing changes.

If you really want to be Spiritual then you'd realise that if there is no time, there is no need for Spiritual development. Heck, there is no Spiritual development because that can only happen within a concept of time. If there is no time then we are already 'there', fully paid-up members of the Spiritually Advanced Society, Gods and gurus one and all. Beer and popcorn for a job done?

"My shoes are too tight, but it does not matter because I have forgotten how to dance."
Ambassador Molari,
Centauri Republic aboard Babylon 5

Leave your shoes at the door, Moonglow, and welcome to liberation.

Namaste Greenslade,

How much is simply created by our interactions? Who is determining whether these interactions are anymore or less spiritual?

Felt to protect the child in some way? Leads my thoughts to, that there is more to this ego thing then what is conceptualized, philosophied, and even told by some as fact, IMO.

At times do things because it is what is needed or the best option to do.
What can be lived with, what is felt, what one connects to. Which fully indicates to me that the individual is there. The identifying in some way is there. Who the person is in some respect is there. Reflecting and at times projecting how it is thought to be.

We are awesome. I took anatomy class, learned message therapy and Reiki. Both showed the physical and energetic aspects of humans. Some may brush these practices off, I do not care, not for them.

Not what I created in my mind, but what is experienced being Human. Our physical body, our energy body, interacting with this existence. What is being revealed about our brains, the Universe, and people coming together to create changes. If all this is not awesome, then what can be said?

Sure there is the flip side as well, that is challenging at times. But, as Humans have survived through it. We are either very stubborn being or perhaps have more in us then willing to give credit.

Yes, things get recycled, reformed, created in new ways borrowing bits and pieces from what is and was. Some familiar with the bits, others experiencing them for the first time as recreated.
Magical in its ways.

We are not an oops, some experiment gone wrong, a mistake to Spirit. Yes, need to wake up and take responsibilities in ways. But, what motivates to do anything at all? To help, to heal, to just run and splash in the puddles?
If no individual, no sense of self, no thing, then all this would not even exist, IMO.

I get the thinking part and can relate in some ways it creating a reality of sorts.
I get the variations in perspectives.
What perhaps itches at the mind is what is being developed?
If already there, if in essence Spirit already knows, then is just for the experience?

Right now I am kicking off the shoes, grabbing some popcorn, popping a beer and enjoying the show.
Yes, it has been a long time since I have had such freedom.
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