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Old 30-03-2018, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Moonglow
Namaste Greenslade,

You know, wonder if it is not so much we forgot to be Spiritual, but in a way forgot how to Human. As you point out.

Seems some so busy trying to be this or that or please someone or sone deity, that in the mad rush forget that it is already inside us. The potentials to create change and bring one another together. If doubted, just look at human history. Look at what has been created, noticed, changed, and discovered.

It is amazing and this organism that is my body and mind is downright awesome.

It seems though that ideas get set up in the mind as to how it should be. When expectations are not met, blame is placed upon the other person, God, and yes Ego. How much is placed on the individual him/her self? In the manner of not brow beating oneself, but being honest with oneself and taking responsibility for oneself.

When Spirituality becomes a fad and fashion, then it seems it gets watered down. The point gets blurred and it becomes grouped up. It's like if not in with the crowd then viewed as wierd, old fashion, and other labels. All about love, if conformed to the set ways. Not all, but enough to project feelings of some how being unworthy, in some circles.

But, it doesn't work that way for me. To be honest it feels false in some ways.
I am at a point of being alright with being a bit on the outskirts. The circle dance of going around trying to prove or extinguish that which may be uncomfortable seems too much work.

Finding comfort in the discomfort. It ain't about ego, this just comes with the territoritory and yes being Human. It is about living life. About living among and with each other as willing and able to do. Yes, it is calming and a bit fun.

I can laugh at bits of it and not take everything as a personal assault. I can be myself and with myself. I can be with others and share in the Human experience and listen to thier stories.

Sure my ego will chirp up, so do others. Not butting heads about it, too much and not feeling I have no say in the matter seems what arises.

People may define me as they feel, sense, perceive me, but just relaying how they relate and at times bringing me back to Earth and to what is at hand.

Spirit goes right along for it is that energy of life, being alive in all things.
May not think fully like Spirit, then again Spirit may not think about it, just does it (whatever it may be). Both Spirit and I dancing through this journey to the rhythms of life.
Namaste Moonglow

The other day I watched a mother and child make their way out of the supermarket, the mother laden and the child errant. The child wanted to go anywhere except where he was being told to by the parent - you probably know what I mean. I stood where I didn't want the child to be, using a bit of reverse psychology because there were cars on the go. Perhaps we're still that child, wanting to go anywhere other than to where we should be going. In the rush to be Spiritual we don't realise that we came from Spirit, and perhaps the most Spiritual thing we can do is be human because sometimes being human is far more awesome than having a head full of contradictory beliefs, theologies and ideologies.

Life is for the Living, Spirituality is for those mortals who stand waiting to die.

Thing is Moonglow, who or what is so downright awesome? Who or what is this 'I'? If we don't know who this 'I' is, how can we tell if he's so damned awesome if we don't know what we're talking about? You see, your brain has a thought then 200 (I seem to remember) milliseconds later you're conscious of it. You are not the thinker of your thoughts, so who or what is? Or are you just a consciousness along for the ride?

Sorry but it makes me laugh. I was listening to the radio in the car with my daughter when a very old but reworked song came on that had been a favourite of mine at the time. As I sang along she looked shocked. "Dad! How can you know the words? That's a new song." I let that one go, it's what dads do, they have superhuman powers. Ahem! It's the same with Spirituality, it's regurgitated whatever came before. Feeling unworthy was happening even pre-Christianity and we're still doing the same things today. If nothing changes then nothing changes.

If you really want to be Spiritual then you'd realise that if there is no time, there is no need for Spiritual development. Heck, there is no Spiritual development because that can only happen within a concept of time. If there is no time then we are already 'there', fully paid-up members of the Spiritually Advanced Society, Gods and gurus one and all. Beer and popcorn for a job done?

"My shoes are too tight, but it does not matter because I have forgotten how to dance."
Ambassador Molari,
Centauri Republic aboard Babylon 5

Leave your shoes at the door, Moonglow, and welcome to liberation.
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