Thread: Lost My Path
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Old 26-03-2018, 04:12 PM
Jobey Jobey is offline
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Originally Posted by peacemaker
There was a time when I used to meditate daily.I have had spiritual experiences which normal can not even think of.I used to play with energy all day in my body.I was able to awaken any moment at my will.I could arouse Kundalini any time I wanted in my spine.

Now I have lost everything.It started with the thought that these these things has no meaning in my life.In life enlightenment is the only thing we should have.I slowly left all my practices day by day.

Now I am very big alcoholic.I was never a successful social and professional person.Now I am not even a spiritual person.

I don`t understand what mistake did I commit?Is it because of my past life karmas?I dont know what path to follow.I dont know where is my teacher.

Remember that you are in control. Brush that dirt off your shoulder and start doing what YOU want to do. Ask yourself if what you’re doing is good for your spiritual development - if it isn’t, then let it go. You will again soon be able to realise the happiness that your spiritual practices bring. However, you never fell off the path, it just led to where you didn’t expect it to.

The hardest part is convincing yourself. Work on positivity daily and watch how you manifest it back into your own life.
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