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Old 30-03-2011, 01:38 PM
Simon Karlos
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by WhiteShaman
We have no enemies.............. No one is trying to trick us and we are not trying to trick ourselves............

That's an excellent spiritual truth, for the belief in an "enemy" is a very primitive perception. It is caveman thinking and victim consciousness, the fight or flight paradigm. Humanity has believed in enemies and the need for defensive measures for millennia, and look how "well" that belief system has served them! It clearly hasn't at all, for people only create more confusion and paranoia through holding onto it. The more one awakens to their own inner sense of self-love and empowerment, the more he/she perceives clearly that no one is really "against" them nor anyone else, but only themselves, and that even self-attack is really impossible, for an "attack" is a call for love and understanding. Attack is not really attack (from a "Higher Self" perspective), but actually a call for love and compassion, as great teachers like Gandhi, Jesus and Dr. Martin Luther King demonstrated. Unlike most, they were willing to demonstrate the miracle-working powers of LOVE with true spiritual enthusiasm, not holding back, despite those who thought they could attack and destroy them. Nothing was destroyed. Their messages are stronger than ever, and the Spirit is eternal. Humanity is awakening from its slumber. Thanks, brother.
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