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Old 22-02-2018, 03:18 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by catsquotl
I agree..That it is no obstacle.
And the pain from a fork like any phenomenon arises, stays a while and passes.

Not sure about the oneness though.
One man's Oneness is another mans Nothingness.

The fact that the eye can not see itself does not convince me that it must be there when I become conscious of seeing.

Likewise I can experience phenomenon arising and passing.. I haven't found an underlying Oneness that experiences it all (Yet)

With Love

When I use the term it is not meant ti indicate some sort of entity but simply that despite the appearance of difference, All is One. Oneness is an idea, its not presented as a truth for which we have evidence (although Quantum Physics may argue with that) because there may always be something hidden that comes to light which contradicts our evidence.

Nevertheless it may resonate to end the feeling of disconnection if frequencies match. From a nondual perspective it should also be mentioned that it must already be Oneness manifesting as feeling disconnected so that feeling itself is not disconnected :)
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