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Old 31-01-2018, 08:20 AM
Posts: n/a
I hope this doesn't sound too unkind but as a female the last thing I'd want to "fall in love with" is a man with mental issues (in the mundane sense) unless they were obviously just transient (like a bereavement frinstance) - simply because the person's stability can't be relied on. They will almost certainly change as the days pass. No one is static but mental issues seem more fluid and unpredictable in the way they change. So what I could love on day 1 may disappear on day 2.

Secondly they could become emotionally draining - something I experienced in college days and really don't want any more.

Ir risks putting someone in the role of therapist that removes some of the independence and there are Freudian connotations about that, that discomfort me. I promise you I'm compassionate but haven't time to become someone's therapist. Some females are happy with that role (it may involve an element of control) but again, when the person has healed they'll change, so the basis of the relationship will change. (There are too many cases in real life where a therapy cures someone so they abandon the source of the "cure")

So, sad as it might be, this girl simply may not be interested. There are so many "what ifs" to make an answer impossible. She could just be capricious; flighty, falls in and out of love every day.

Find someone just to like, to build a good friendship with. Avoid using the word "love" until there are REAL signs of a bond.
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