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Old 17-01-2018, 11:16 PM
Reecie Reecie is offline
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Posts: 24
Originally Posted by CrystalSong
That's a great question :)

My Go-TO is Higher Self, we use divination to have conversations that way the thinking mind doesn't speak over Spirit. I choose Higher Self 90% of the time because I feel like H.S. most intimately knows me and the Life Purpose for this life time. And also it is the most intimate relationship I have in the Spirit world.
Higher Self is my Eternal aspect, only part of my total awareness is stuffed into this body, the large part is in the ethers, still fully connected with Source/All That Is/The mass Collective Consciousness Construct ect.

When I access to Source/God/Creator I usually get answers like "I love you my child" or "Have Fun in the Garden" which is great if I needed that affirmation, usually though I need a really good friend who can give me the pros and cons, scold me if needed, give me pointers, listen and support me and tell me its all going to work out in the end and so on - So I ask Higher Self.
If things are really bad for me personally I might ask my Team to come in and energetically hold me, this is rare though as Higher Self can usually get me sorted back out again.

However if I'm doing Healing work, Counseling, Holding Space in someway with others I call in the whole team, Higher Selves of all parties, Angels, Guides and Benevolent Beings, Mother/Father/God/Source/Creator and Mother Earth/Gaia. If the person is of a Pagan Tradition I might call in the Tree Spirits, Fairy Kingdoms, Furry Kingdoms and Earth Elementals too.

If you question whether your mind is answering your questions or your Higher Self - you can ask for an answer in a dream instead and to be able to remember the dream - so something like "Please give me your answer in a dream and then make me had to get up and go to the bathroom immediately afterwards so I can remember the dream".
I've begun talking to my Higher Self for the reasons you mentioned.

God's responses to you are funny! But I understand that there are times when you'd like a little more from the Creator. This is akin to having an eternally-optimistic friend.

Thank you for your wonderful reply.
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