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Old 11-01-2018, 05:43 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by jungleboy
3 days complete!

All done, broke the dry fast with a glass of distilled water, followed by some coconut water, watermelon juice and a mango across a few hours. It is unbelievable how good juice can taste when you have been without.

Woke up this morning after breaking the fast incredibly thirsty, I would say more thirsty after I broke fast than during which was interesting. Will definitely fast again in the future, was really able to reflect on my relationship with food and realise the majority of the time I eat is due to my emotional ties to food.

Questions may arise before I eat e.g How hungry can I be considering I have the ability to go 3 days without food or water?

Learned alot from the experience and for those looking to do fasting I would absolutley go for it. Start off with what your body can handle, would not reccommend going straight to a dry fast as the release of all the built up toxins can be fatal. Perhaps start by cutting out meat, then dairy, then move towards a juice fast? From there you can progress to a water fast and then a dry, but only when you feel up to it.

Love you all and so glad you were here to experience it with me.

Very interesting thread, and I followed from the day 1. My relationship with food is as a fuel, so I just eat 'nutrients', which are needed for the activities I do. There is a bit of emotional or compulsive eating, but barely. Sometimes I eat for flavour. If I have a sour taste in my mouth I eat a peach or something. I use fruit for that and it also contains vital nutrients.

Sometimes I eat when I'm not feeling hungry, and I very rarely feel significant hunger because I have to eat a lot to fuel my very active lifestyle.
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