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Old 03-01-2018, 05:38 PM
blackraven blackraven is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
First lets examine the principle of free will by which we use will power to make things happen. If the motive is casual and weak, then the will won't work, so what we really speak of here is not will power, but the motivation behind it. This requires some inquiry as to what is the motivation? People will say things like 'I want to look better', 'I want to be fitter', 'I want to lose weight', 'I want to be stronger' and so forth and call it 'motivation', and OK, these articulate what is desired, the goal, but does it really address the motivation itself?

Happy New Year Gem. Yes, one needs will power, but as your mentioned above, even more so, one needs motivation and motivation, unlike will power, comes from a much deeper level of self-understanding. That applies to all kinds of health from physical, mental and spiritual.

I was lying on the couch in front of the warm fire place the other day, just lounging and thinking, then it hit me. If I don't get up off that couch and do something physical right then, it's likely the entire rest of my day will be spent in inactivity. I try to do some form of exercise every day, but some days it takes an inner voice to kick myself into gear. So I jump off the warm couch on a very frigid winter day and took myself to the basement to do a cardio work out on an elliptical. Got the ole endorphins going in my brain and felt really proud of myself afterwards and felt re-energized.

Today is the same situation. I sit here in front of the fire again on the computer and am about to kick myself off and go to the basement again and lift weights. It's all a part of maintaining my health were I'm at as time goes by minute by minute, day by day, year by year. Just have to stay healthy, strong and with a good cardiovascular system.

My new years resolution is to gut an unused living room and convert it into an art studio/music room/writing room. Took up the old carpet and now just have to finish the cement floor. I'm very excited about this new personal space.

Lastly, I want to meditate more and be more cognizant about volunteering to do things that I'm very uncomfortable with. Just want to return to a state of peacefulness and slow down time to what's happening in the moment, instead of constantly living in fear of some future event.
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