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Old 13-12-2017, 12:07 AM
sentient sentient is offline
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Because of the Elders I grew up with - very early in my childhood I became aware of 2 different ‘default practices’, one Indigenous, the other - Western.
Within the indigenous was the Seed of Oneness – within the Western the Seed of Separateness was the one I was supposed to cultivate to become “valid” or “somebody”.
But of course when you have experienced the shared presence/oneness, this Western mode became an unacceptable ‘default practice’ for me.

So I cultivated a dysfunctional “rebel ego” instead - hating the “white wall” dual barrier and everything the hierarchical “Western Thought” had to offer, until I had a teacher at school who showed me, by example, how to cultivate the (alternative) “Oneness” seed, and this “saved” me from that dysfunctional, self-destructive hate.

Originally Posted by Iamit
You may know, or think you know, that difference for yourself assuming you have resolved any conditioning you may have repressed and by definition, don't know about:) Imagine how much more difficult it would be for you to judge where another was/is at!!!
Besides All is One, there is another element here that comes into play and it is: All is Energy.

If you are born within the Shamanic ‘default practice program’, then you have got an almost innate/inbuilt awareness-sense of this and thus become aware of the Multidimensionality of Universe.
(Upper, Middle, Lower Worlds within the World Pole axis, all subtle differences in energy vibration).
I would also equate Multidimensionality with the Magical-ness of the Universe.

Generally it is difficult to explain that different subconscious ‘default mode’ created subjective Realities exist, because unless we do become transparent to our own subconscious programming we cannot even imagine any other kind of ‘default programs’ in existence and think that our own particular version of Reality is the only All Encompassing Reality there is as “What Is”.

People judge me by my appearance, so to a general onlooker I seem to be a person from an Aryan Master Race propaganda poster with the assumed ‘default practice program’ to match.

One day at the markets I sat next to a Papua New Guinean woman and something in me had caught her interest - so she kept scrutinizing (scanning) me with the corner of her eye.
After a while she faced me directly and said:
- “When I look at you, I see a white person, but you are not, are you? N-o-t r-e-a-l-l-y …..”
- Well, khmm…. errrr … no, I am not.
Since she had seen right through me, I started telling her about the experiences I had had with some Papuans, mentioning their openness to “energies” - because she might be able to give me some further insights into those experiences.
She turned out to be a wealth of information and because our stories related we could talk further about animal symbolism, animal spirit helpers, spirits etc. etc. etc. and during our talk she kept repeating:
- “That’s why I said you are not a white person!!!”

Even though we didn’t exactly experience the shared presence/oneness, I was very grateful for this meeting, for she had recognized my ‘identity’ – my subconscious ‘default program’.
As does our local Aboriginal Elder, with whom I’ve had the Oneness experience.
He even, without judgement, saw our family’s Saami secret – and that is how I first became consciously aware of it myself - also accepting of it, able to integrate it within my “being”.
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