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Old 10-12-2017, 03:47 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Iamit
Yes that is really what is going on for you, masquerading as "caring". Thanks for revealing it in its full glory. All the more reason to take care that those attitudes should not ever get into positions of power.
I CARE about YOU! not your stinking philosophy NOR mine!

Most show their caring through love, I show mine through opening my heart, bearing all and being HONEST. You are more than welcome for giving me this opportunity to stop 'hiding' behind the mask of my intellect - COOL!

I wouldn't want to be in any position of 'power' ANYWAY!!! Can't you see? This isn't an ego-trip for me! It may look and sound like one, but I'm one of the only people on this earth able to get into an abusive, heated argument and keep my face like stone...keep my blood pressure and heart rate low and not get angry...sure, I may EMPHASISE words, but I'm as cool as a cucumber, pretty much always. =)
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