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Old 04-12-2017, 02:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by running
my girlfriend visits numerous trees when we hike. she gets something like you out of them i think. i do in a general sense. there is a feeling of their power around them i sense. in oneness it is like a catalyst for me. but you and her seem to have a more in depth connection than i expereince.
The tree of life is an interesting image.

The thing is when we look at a tree, we only see one side of it. There is another side, the roots that grow into the earth. There is a whole other tree there that we normally don't see, a tie into another complete ecosystem and way of being. It is at the same time literal and metaphorical of the union of earth and sky, above and below, the seen and the unseen.

The trunk of the tree is that union, and why I believe contact with it can be so powerful.
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