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Old 24-03-2011, 01:16 AM
Selenphina Selenphina is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 234
I never had any reason to think so until recent years. But in those years it has crossed my mind because of a couple strange dreams I've had, I have seen UFOs, and I've got this weird thing on my arm too. It looks and feels like there is something metallic under my skin. I am thinking I might have to biopsy it to make sure, but it sure doesn't look like a mole or anything like that. So, who knows... I believe in extra-terrestrials but never knew what to make of the abduction phenomenon. I'm not sure what I believe or when/if I will dig into this further. (To be completely honest, I'm not sure I want to know the truth yet if this is really happening.)
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