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Old 15-11-2017, 05:43 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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You get to choose it ALL!

You get to choose the past that you think about.
You get to choose the present that you think about.
You get to pretend into the future.

You get to imagine.
You get to pretend that your lover doesn't love you,
or your lover does love you.
You get to pretend that money is flowing or isn't flowing.

You get to choose it all, you see.
You get to use the power of your mind.
And you get to have emotional/vibrational responses
to those choices until you can be in and in and in and in and in
and in and in and in [the vortex.]

And once you make the vortex your home,
once you're usually hanging around in the vortex,
then what happens is rooms open up to you, that feeling of
being on the vergeā€¦ That feeling of being on the verge of something more,
it just gets bigger and bigger until you accept that the ENTIRE Universe
is queued up to assist you.

You begin feeling so worthy and so blessed and so cared for.
And as if All That IS is interested so expressly and supremely in you,
that only good things can happen to you.

And when you reach that place, then you're who you were
when you were born, only with all this new stuff
that you've put into your vortex since you were born,
that is now reach to show itself to you. Just to YOU!

Abraham Hicks
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