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Old 15-11-2017, 04:10 AM
blossomingtree blossomingtree is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 937
Originally Posted by Iamit
The paths, practises, ideas, and concepts available on offer in the spiritual supermarket are many and varied. Some require more than others. Characters vary and some seekers may value the requirements placed before them, while some may not see the need for them at all. There is an option available to suit every taste.

There is variation in how the destination is defined and how the distance between the seeker and sought is to be covered, and at least one idea asserts that there is already no distance between seeker and sought at all,

Conflict, if not condemnation, often arises between them, each claiming one to be right, and the other wrong, for example between Traditional and Neo Avaita.

A lot of this conflict could be avoided by accepting that one size does not fit all, that characters vary so that what suits one may not suit another. For example a mind that is usually successful at finding and applying solutions to problems may prefer a path and practise, while a mind that has found that a more difficult task may prefer an idea that requires no path or practise whatsoever. That roughly describes the issue between Traditional and Neo Advaita.

The point being made is that there is no need to be put off considering everything and anything in the search for what suits you, despite these conflicts that rage.

Good luck.

Ahhh I see - Neo Advaita. If it is as you say, it is a very damaging concept.

It is really a convolution of the highly respected Advaita Vedanta schools, which do teach and emphasize the "destination" and encourage/guide to the ways (reflection, meditation, yoga, prayer) which "attain"/realize the fruits of that Way. Most traditional schools will likewise teach a path of practice to the {same} fruits. This is what I have always loved about all the genuine spiritual paths in the world, whether it is Native Indians, Mystic Christians, Tibetans, Zen monks, Hindus, Advaita Vedanta, Judaism, Buddhists. Sufism - all these are set up and established from people who first had the genuine spiritual breakthrough/realization, and then went back and found words and a context/system in order to guide aspirants to the same {realizations and fruit}.

And the beauty, the very beautiful vision of that, is the unity of the result. Rumi captured it very well, and all those shared hearts rejoice:

Not Christian or Jew or
Muslim, not Hindu,
Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen.
Not any religion

or cultural system. I am
not from the east
or the west, not
out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not
natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all.
I do not exist,

am not an entity in this
world or the next,
did not descend from
Adam and Eve or any

origin story. My place is
the placeless, a trace
of the traceless.
Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved,
have seen the two
worlds as one and
that one
call to and know,

first, last, outer, inner,
only that breath breathing

human being.

However, what you present here and elsewhere ( here is a link to your related thread - ) is dare I say a farcical attempt to keep people entrenched where they are, whilst imagining they have attained any spiritual realization, even going as far as to believe a conceptual "understanding" equals the same attainments as the Adepts.

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