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Old 15-11-2017, 12:53 AM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Originally Posted by JoshG123
I was in bed trying to go to sleep, next thing i know i'm in a barn and i believe i'm awake i walk outside to a field of grass, when this happens i always remember to think of your body and you will return i always do this because i get scared in case i will see something scary. I thought i was back in my body so to wake myself up i thought ill fall on the floor to wake up but when i fall out the bed and hit the floor i don't hit anything and i realize i'm still asleep i wait a few seconds then i wake up in bed. nothing scary but then when i'm trying to go back to sleep i can feel myself been dragged out my body i don't even try to leave my body its like i'm been pulled it scares me.
You're still in a dreeeeeaaaaammmmm ...

Don't get scared! Have a plan what you'd like to see, whom you'd like to meet, and, when "there", just ask for it with a firm command, and the expectation to happen!

The pulling out of your body sensation is just you having a good quality projection. When you have a poor projection you might feel like somebody's on your back pushing you down.
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