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Old 07-11-2017, 08:50 PM
Nan948 Nan948 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by unicorn68
im almost fully immersed in the 5d right now.does that mean that when this portal is opened i can come back down to the 3d for a temporary break from the vibration?

I think this is a good question regarding portals.

I don't know the answer but I will tell you about my state at this time.

I know I was in 5D way too long. Overall, I am now back down to 3D and I for one could kiss the ground that I walk on.

5D was truly exhausting on this 3D body and mind. And I feel that most of the hard work that I had to do in 5D is completed.

Funny thing I came back down to 3D and I am being guided to help out a lot in the communities around me and I thought yeah after all the work in 5D, helping out in 3D should be a piece of cake. Opportunities have opened up to do this and overall opportunities are opening up.

From what I am seeing and feeling, it looks as if 5D and 3D are now merging or have merged and both are functioning as a single unit instead of separately to help out in 3D using both spiritual and earthly measures. Hard to explain, but there you have it.
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