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Old 19-10-2017, 07:05 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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King of Swords:

Gift: In relationship, honest, direct, articulate, assertive and a great conversationalist during dinner. Gives credit where credit is due. Never a dull moment in discussing topics on philosophy and life

Challenge: Can be emotionally unavailable. Keeps score. Withholds. Logic before compassion. Hello It's Mr. Spock time. Example: Lover wants more time or assurance to hear she is needed, and when she broaches the topic, the King is perplexed and shifts into logic mode. He thinks to himself, " but I took the afternoon off from my strenuous demanding schedule to call her. I even gave her an extra 20 minn to explain how to dodge traffic on the express way when she could have googled, how is this not enough for her !?!!"

Always thinking. muuuaaha Feel free to give better examples. I never dated a King Of Swords exclusively but met similar personalities... I think I would drown in sorrow like a Queen of Cups LOL Swords can still be appealing though. Hey, they can verse me on Shakespeare all they want as long as they make it look good *cough* Okay Clover pulls herself together....
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