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Old 21-03-2011, 03:27 PM
Sozerius Sozerius is offline
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Location: Texas, US
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Thanks God-Like. Yes, my guide has me go through emotional balancing and the like. I had only been doing that for awhile upon his insistance before taking on these new steps. I am going to utilize his advice a lot in how to proceed so that I don't do anything rash or unwise. I keep my own council of course, but his is very useful added on top of that. I do want to heal the world in a respect, however I still want to use discretion and be selective about what I take on. As far as helping my family and friends, etc goes- I'm not going to force anything on them. My guide has told me that it would be unwise, karmicly, to simply make changes in people's lives through spiritual power without them asking for that change. But, if someone says that they need or want something, then I can be there to provide. And of course, I can offer my help. As far as sheltering others, of course this will be based on my capability, but once I am able to meet my own goals, I think that I will be able to do a fair amount.

Also, concerning the power- I am going to want to alter my body in some respect, but not just the appearance as I stated in the OP- I want to make sure that my system, the organs, etc, is in good condition so that I am in good health. This might involve changing certain aspects. My guide informed me not too long ago that I have an enlarged heart. So for instance, I will want to re-adjust that so that it is the right size. This is important because an enlarged heart can prevent someone from being able to exert themselves, as it can cause things like heart attacks, etc. I am very mindful of the details and wish to live a balanced life. =]
Please try to understand what I am saying.
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