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Old 13-10-2017, 11:48 PM
blossomingtree blossomingtree is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 937
Originally Posted by running
whom are you to say some other person experiencing bliss only spends his or her time talking about it? never met such a person. it doesn't require talking about it or anything related to effort. it is simply an on going experience. bliss makes everything easier. whatever positive thing they feel to do is easier simply because the joy is already there.

in any case the work behind the scenes beyond the mind is of value. being open allows the pheomena of oneness to happen. like a good flu helping others to catch the same experience. all great teachers whom i have heard of worked through presence.


There are those that are such, and I have seen many "great teachers" whom emanate joy and peace, but I doubt you are one.

More Meat on the BBQ or raging at someone else?
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