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Old 30-09-2017, 05:29 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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To awareness;
What you wrote here:

"We say that if your sense of knowing metaphysical things is based more upon remembering your True Nature than getting to the next stage or next level, and based more upon appreciating where you are than thinking about where you could be, then you are truly understanding what enlightenment really is."

I'm hoping it might support the message I've just received to spread:

That living - here on earth! - generates healing to the rest of existance, and that that healing is much needed. Basically that the meaning of life, is to live with our senses.

What this means practically, is that we are to focus our light on awakening and enlightening more people; but for the purpose of living fully, not for them/us to 'leave'/ascend or to 'mildening' the experience of living.

We all need to live fully, using all our senses, connected to ourselves and our physical surroundings, to heal ourelves, all living things around us and earth herself. And earth urgently needs healing, not only for herown existance sake, but for the greater picture to secure the continuous generating of healing 'up'/'out'/'otherwhere'. //Makes us sound a bit like factory workers come to think of it //

Now, I'm really a relative 'newbie' - I don't quite speak 'spiritual' - but I believe that is part of the plan. As to keep the message very simple, to keep away from lofty theoreticals of the mechanics of... well, we humans want the mechanics of EVERYTHING don't we

But I'm still looking for support for my message in human realm, to be able to further the dialogue and get my message through to other lightworkers. And for that I might need some more lingo...? Or that others speak it for me.

So, does this resonate with you - what does it make you associate to? Does it fit in your world perception in some way?

Love and light - here on earth! ;) / Mi
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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