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Old 26-07-2017, 02:34 PM
r6r6 r6r6 is offline
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Book1 Cosmic Trinity One-ness Is No Less than Three

.."no1wakesup--Consciousness collapses or contracts into a singularity."...

Consciousness and singularity is not defined here.
The immeasurable infinite condenses into a localized point instantly forming a relationship between observer and observed.

Infinite what? There exists no infinite consciousness. Why would someone even consider an irrational, illogical idea as that?
A split, for most, may also suggest some sort of proportional occurance as if splitting an apple equally in half. The infinite has no equal parts.

Infinite what?

There is nothing in the infinite that can be measured as there are no bondaries to define or grasp. Space is no longer space.

Now "space" has entered into the narrative, yet it is not defined as occupied or non-occupied.
Oness does not change its nature, It can only transition.

What is this "oneness"? What does this oneness transition into? Lack of clarity definition appears as meaningless mumbo jumbo to me.
It can contract, condense, expand or dissipate.

What can contract, condense, expand or dissipate? Oness? What is that exactly?

Consciousness? What is that exactly?

Space? It is illogical, irrational and lacks common sense for non-occupied.

Occupied space can do all of the above. Again, without definitions and clarity we have what appears to me as meaningless mumbo jumbo.

Even a leaf carries the nature of the tree, a small flame carries the nature of a fire and If you take a cup from the ocean, the ocean is still in the cup.

A flame and a tree are not infinite.

A "small flame" is a "fire", to suggest there is a differrence is irrational, illogical and lacks common sense.

Cup of the ocean is not the ocean. To suggest that a cup of the ocean is the ocean is irrational, illogical and lacks common sense. The ocean contains, sharks, jelly fish, sponges, whales etc.

This is just appears to me as being more more irrational, illogical meaningless mumbo jumbo added to other mumbo jumbo. imho

There exists only two infinites;

1} metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept of infinite, and,

2} macro-infinite non-occupied space, that, embraces our finite, occupied space Universe aka Uni-V-erse.

To grasp the most comprehensive integral whole, begin with the cosmic trinity in my cosmic heiarchy, that, is catagorized into three parts/aspects.

This way no parts are excluded and we see that any true oneness is has no less than three aspects of consideration ergo omni-considerate.

" U "niverse/ " G "od: The Cosmic Trinity

1} Spirit-1{ spirit-of-intent } metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts ex concepts of infinite, space, God, Universe, time, dogs whales etc,
2} metaphysical-2, macro-infinite, non-occupied space, that, embraces our finite, occupied space Universe aka Uni-V-erse,

3} finite, occupied space Universe aka Uni-V-erse

Oness of finite, occupied space Universe is teh same as saying, all is connected, and that occurs via gravity ( ) if not also dark energy )(.

Finite, occupied space Universe also subcatagorizes into three distinct aspects. Gravity( ), dark energy )( and observed reality frequencies ^v^v{ sine-wave pattern }

The truth exists for those who seek it, those who dont and those who scoff at. imho

"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller

"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
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