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Old 21-07-2017, 05:58 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by dattaseva
Thanks for the links. I don't usually subscribe to Sadhguru or Jaggi Vasudev's views, but what he says about Bhairavi Yatana in the video is pretty interesting. First time I've ever heard of it.

From what I know, Yatana Sharira is the body that the soul takes up post-death to reap the fruits of sinful deeds in hell/naraka. The Yatana Sharir stands in contrast to the Bhoga Sharira, which is the body that the soul takes up to enjoy the fruits of meritorious deeds in heaven. And finally, the Divya Sharira is taken up by the rarest of souls who are personal servants of the Lord and who are awarded direct entry into the three highest worlds - Brahma Loka, Vishnu Loka and Shiva Loka.

With the kind of intense tamasic qualities that I have, it's only natural that I should choose Shiva as my ishta devata.

But in recent times, I've been able to reconcile the bridge between Vaishnavism and Shaivism through the worship of Dattatreya, who is as you know, the combined form of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. It also helps that my Guru is part of the Dattatreya Sampradaya.

What you are saying is also very interesting, as I haven't studied that far yet, only getting as far as the physical Panch Kosha and the Linga Sharira, Atma Sharira etc of the physical body according to Patanjali and Swami Svatmarama of Hatha Yoga Pradipika fame.

I read the Tibetan Book of the Dead years ago and need to refamiliarise myself with it. I didn't pay much attention to what happens to the soul after death beyond 'it reincarnates' or 'it does not reincarnate' according to karma. I guess I didn't have any interest at the time.

I am also so happy to see another on here with Lord Shiva as their Ishta Devata! I had no reason why I chose Him, but I had His darshan, my heart imploded with bhakti and the rest is history. I don't ascribe any guna or attribute to Shiva really, because He is beyond them all.

I see Shiva as Vishnu and Vishnu as Shiva but I don't think I would be able to worship both at the same time, or even the full Trimurti because it would just mentally confuse me too much...not to mention what it would do to my heart who only knows Shiva/Rudra.

The only thing I remember about Dattatreya from my early days is that he himself had a lot of gurus...even animals like spiders and fish were because he learned most of his philosophy from the natural world...and that is all I know about it.

I just decided after all that to study Tantra and that took up most of my time and brainspace leaving me unable to squish anything else in there.

Aum Namah Shivaya
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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