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Old 10-07-2017, 01:09 AM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
I used to post in the Twin Flame forum because I was interested in learning what it was all about. I honestly do not disbelieve at all, but because I asked a few questions some assumed I was a blasphemous nay-sayer.

I am quite sure there are some truly amazing spiritual connections out there, whether you want to call them Twin Flames or whatever. But a lot of the tales of Twin Flame misery posted here have caused me to wonder if some people were deluding themselves. They have convinced themselves they have a Twin Flame, and that he's just running, he'll come back, he has to face himself, etc. Or she isn't ready, the time isn't right, she needs to face herself.

Some tales literally sound like something you'd hear from a police report about a stalker. Driving past their homes, checking on them in social media, tracking them through mutual acquaintances, getting reading after reading to confirm that their twin "belongs" to them. To even suggest that maybe he/she actually is not interested brings heated anger and retorts of "you don't have a twin flame, you wouldn't understand!"

So I don't post here anymore. I'm making an exception because there seem to be some intelligent thoughts being posted here.

Like I said, there are deep spiritual connections. I firmly believe that. However, not everyone who wants one actually is in one. There is no excuse for breaking up another's relationship, or emotionally disconnecting from a partner.

In some cases I've read, I have to wonder if the "relationship" is actually a lesson about love, ego, and possessiveness. The two people were destined to meet, precisely to push the buttons that caused one or the other to declare Twin Flame status. But what if that button pushing was only to spur a person into deep self-examination and growth, rather than actually forming an actual ongoing 3D world relationship?

And with that I shall go silent again on this forum. Thank you all for your thoughtful, polite, and civilized comments on this thread :)
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