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Old 10-12-2006, 02:06 PM
Posts: n/a

What a fantastic experience. I am so pleased for you. Though - you really should have found your language skills at that moment. Nevermind. If you are meant to you will meet again. Anyway, I have to say I do not believe in love at first sight. I believe you can know someone at first sight - even lust at first sight - but for me (true) love is so deep and profound that it must be cultivated over time.

When I met my soul-mate I knew him immediately. I recognised him, even though I had never met him. It was not love. The love I have for him now has taken a year to develop. I fell in love with him very reluctantly. But I remember the moment distinctly. He came to my house and was sitting opposite me and I had this odd feeling. He kept asking me what was wrong - if he could help. I refused to answer because all the while inside I was thinking to myself 'bugger - I really, really like him.' The past year has been up and down with me trying to sabotage the connection at every turn - but now I have come to fully realise and embrace the love I have for him and it has made me truly happy and what I feel for him now is eternal. It reaches into every part of me. But, then again - I am completely dysfunctional so maybe for emotionally healthy people love at first sight is a reality that brings them incredible fulfillment.

Oh well. Good luck with your goth girl Enlightener. I hope you cross paths again.