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Old 21-06-2017, 10:02 PM
ParanoidHippie ParanoidHippie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 142
Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Difference is that you got hundreds, thousands of soulmates and only 1 Twin Flame in this lifetime here on Earth.
A TF connection is much higher in vibration and has a totally different purpose.
Soulmates can be anyone, colleagues, kids, siblings, other family, friends. These almost always are soulmates. They can of course also be your partner and you can live happily ever after with them.

Your soulmates can be of both genders, whereas your TF is the of the energy you are not. Meaning if you're a hetero woman, your TF is a hetero man. If you're a lesbian woman carrying mostly feminine energy, your TF is a lesbian woman carrying mostly masculine energy.
Thus 1 TF always carries the masculine, the other the feminine energies.
What's the difference between soulmates and psychic cords? I seem to run into a lot of people who think they're my soulmate. I think I'm just prone to psychic cording, so I don't see those people as meaningful. But could I just have a lot of soulmates? A lot of those people are stalkerish as well. Why do I attract so many stalkers?
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