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Old 21-06-2017, 07:54 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Yes. That's one of the big struggles of most TFs. But you got to remember it is a healing process. And if that scares you, what you basically fear is facing your own shadow work and your own wounding and limiting beliefs etc etc.
Meaning if you are ready, i.e. have the courage to face these things, you will come out more whole and closer to who you really are without so much baggage.
And yes, that can be pretty freaky. That's why you get this "runner & Chaser" thing you read about. Running from the connection because it's too overwhelming (still). The other chasing out of fear of losing the runner TF, which is usually an indication of co-dependency.

It is okay though. You cannot force yourself to be ready to take on this journey. Things take time, and if you need time, that's just okay. Like Abraham Hicks says; where you are on your path is just right. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
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