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Old 20-06-2017, 11:51 PM
BlueCat BlueCat is offline
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Originally Posted by jro5139
Wow you are asking the tough questions:)

In short, yes you can fall in love or like other people. Since meeting my twin I have had crushes on others and even fell in love with someone else (briefly, as I was only around this person briefly, so it didn't last) but,
in a sense, I also feel that there will never be anyone that I am attracted to more, and yes that presents a bit of an issues. That's probably why, since meeting my twin, I have not gone out looking for other relationships.

The thing about realizing soul connections and what that feels like, is now I have no desire to start relationships just to have a relationship. If I ever have another serious relationship, I only want one with a sc and I only want to be serious with someone that could be my best friend. So that limits the possibilities quite a bit.

As tf's, you designed each other to be each other's perfect counterpart. That means to me, any other relationship I have will probably be at least, a bit of a settle. Unless I happen to meet another very close sc, which is always a possibility. Don't rule that out, it has been known to happen.
So yes, you can have a relationship and find someone else you are also excited about. The issue for me is, that doesn't mean that what I feel for tf will ever go away, and that could, potentially, always lead to future problems.

I think the most important thing in any relationship, is to always be honest. Just be honest and that is the best way to go about these things.
If having another relationship is something you want and that is important to you, then don't let a tf that won't commit to you, stop that. Do what is best for you and follow your heart. Go after what you want. You can meet other potential partners that will still sweep you off your feet. And always be as honest as you can with yourself and everyone else.

You took the words from my mouth!I really want to met another one after the last disappointment i had lately and i feel there are more walls compared to before for the connection. I noticed most stayers/chaser people after the TF runner runs away to the hills struggle to find another soulmate/SC, the feelings or attraction last for a very short time or you aren't interested to anyone. It's for this i stopped to date and find people, i don't want to lose my time just to not having any spark towards someone, i can't fake feelings as some do just for settle. I'm just asking the universe to send another SM/SC and be attracted to that person.
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