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Old 11-06-2017, 11:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Delay_Reaction

And yes, whoever says that this forum was much better years ago is correct. I see much more wisdom in the old postings.

Are you sure you aren't becoming more jaded?!

In response, I think that's partly down to the increased splurge of easy answers parading under spirituality on the web over the past 3 or 4 years. It's become dilute, misleading, mendacious and a con in some instances. Vulnerable people with domestic and personal problems turn to it and feel comfortable if they buy into some "system/current or another....sometimes just people who parade their self-discoveries on the web. You find much laden with factoids that are really just supposition and specultion.

What's changed for me since I joined is the increased volume of "What's wrong with me?", "I need pity, pile it on!", and "How do I force someone to believe what I believe" posts, often replied to with ill-considered advice. People just want instant panaceas (which of course they won't get). The world grows more complicated. Thanks to technology people are increasingly distanced from each other. Without interaction they have little identity which is nowadays vested more in merchandising than roles in society.

How many times have I read "He/She said to me....and I'm hurt." You try to point out that one should judge people's actions not words, and you get a null response. Sincerity is often misconstrued as confrontation. And what of people in self-denial. (This topic is a case in point which is so far removed from spiritual development one has to wonder. Has the O/P considered things? Learned?)

Many of the "problems" I read here aren't really spiritual in the self development arena, they aren't about finding self or the route to peace and Utopia.

But.....there is always the chance that a few WILL learn something - about themselves, the cosmos, the perceived reality of their situations - that's great.

No sense in turning to the astral or weak occult techniques BEFORE seeing if the solution lies in the mundane.

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