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Old 11-06-2017, 12:02 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Hi Negaar,
Others here will probably have different answers and I appreciate that.
But I have found thought to be the thing which is most effective in heightening/lowering "vibration" or energetic frequency.

Obviously it will benefit you and your habitual thought-patterns to have a healthy eat healthily (as suits you and your digestion and your individual calorific needs each day), to eliminate properly, to not be harbouring any low-grade dis-ease of any kind, as such things will drag on your energy and you will feel less free. Also it may make a difference to you energetically to have a compassionate approach to food, which you obviously have, being vegetarian/vegan already.

But generally I have found self-guidance of thought and emotional response to be the main thing which will encourage a finer vibrational state. This can be trained. Responses can be trained, if you have the need or the discipline to do that on a regular basis (that will mean every day). Habitual responses will build up a finer 'base level' energetic frequency.
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