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Old 10-06-2017, 06:08 PM
Nan948 Nan948 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 148
Hi Jr5139. No person can tell you how to interact with your twin. Each twin experience is so different. Your twin is married and you are friends. That is just one scenario of the many scenarios of the twin-flame experience, one that not every twin flame will experience and even that experience is not the same for everyone. Follow your intuition with your relationship. There is a higher power guiding twin flame relationships and if you just follow that knowing, that guide, everything will turn out right in the end.

To follow that knowing we have to clear our bodies of all fears, because that knowing will get passed through all that toxicity and fear and the translation you receive will not be for the highest good for all. Every twin-flame knows what to do to have a healthy twin relationship; we really do. We come equipped with that knowing and those tools and twin flames can access them if they just have faith, trust, listen and relax. Unfortunately, I think fear often takes over the love for both twins and they start acting from that fear place and that is when problems arise.

Follow your heart. Follow your moral compass. Listen to your twin, respect, communication, love. For twin flame it is important not to be afraid to receive and give love because the love is intense. Leave the fear and the crazy at the door. Your twin and you are communicating amazing well so just keep that up. He is telling you how he feels and you are respecting that and you are telling him how you feel and what you need and he is respecting that. So, just keep going in the direction of respect, love and communication because that is what this relationship is all about learning and doing.

As for the pull you seem to be handling it well. I think that you are doing a good job. It helps that you both are on good terms and are communicating. Yes, there is nothing wrong with helping your twin flame and sending them love and light, especially when he tells you that he appreciates this interaction and that it helps him. The pull is more complicated for twin flames who are separated and are not in communication. Therefore, it is sometimes hard to figure out what the pull is trying to tell them when they cannot ask or have no idea what it is about because they have no background information about what is going on in their twins life.. This can get them in a state of fear and frenzy and they often try to find out what the pull is about in this crazy manner. As long as they stop, think, realize the overall theme of the pull, and the proceed with love, clear headedness and strength, life would be much easier.

Yes, the runner/chaser twin dynamics is complicated. Chasing/running in the twin flame relationship most often than not, does not take on the clear everyday definition of running and chasing. It is not all cut and dried and this phase could be triggered by so many things, but most often out of fear and misunderstanding. A chaser could chase because they are running and a runner could be running because they are chasing. Sometimes one twin runs in 3d but chases in 5d. and sometimes one twin chases in 5d and runs in 3d. Sometimes one twin do one ( chasing/running ) more than the other, but overall twin flames need to connect and touch base with each other whether they are running or chasing and they will find a way to do this via 3d or 5d. The chasing/running phase is an unhealthy one in the twin flame relationship and the faster they can get out of this phase the better.

Yes, the twin flame label has its uses if it is not abused and many people just use it as an excuse to stay in an abusive situation or use it as an excuse not to fix themselves. I am tired of seeing this. The original intent of that label is to teach and to guide. I don’t agree with every one of the twin flame label points but like you when I saw the label, it opened my eyes. The connection and love between twin-flames is intense and nothing can end it, not experience, or separation or time. It is good to have this guide because the everyday love relationship, connection and experiences that we go through does not prepare us for dealing with the twin flame connection. So, twin flames do need help with this relationship and the twin flame label is the closest guide. If that connection is going to stick around for life it is a good idea to know how to deal with it to mitigate all the pain that will come if we treat it like the every day.

Last edited by Nan948 : 10-06-2017 at 07:35 PM.
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