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Old 05-06-2017, 03:56 AM
RedEmbers RedEmbers is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 3,515
Sustainability Information Sharing Emporium

Hello. I've been thinking quite a bit about my own spiritual connection to both Nature and the universe and as I become more content and connected to my spiritual side I become more passionate about living harmoniously with the laws of nature and the universe

I believe that I can assist to solve some of my local and social problems by adopting a more environmental focus. Creativity also plays a huge role in it as well - both being creative and nurturing others creativity as well.

Which brings me here right now, deciding that it was time I created a fun and safe sharing space in my favourite online community... to share ideas and discuss such matters.

I am finding the more that I emerge into inter-connectiveness the more easily I begin to flow with this new tide of being.
I make one small change at a time according to my readiness for such change in order to avoid overwhelm.
I have anxiety issues too so I only take on what I can.

When I have sufficiently formed a positive new habit I then approach the next challange.

I am currently divising ways to cut down on my use of single use plastic. I have always taken reusable shopping bags to the store but recently started taking reusable fresh produce bags as well.
I already compost and I am researching kitchen worm farms now too.

I've also been asking around at local bakeries if I could BYO my own reusable bread bags or containers to transport my bread from the shop. This will provide a local bakery with extra support as well... and be one less thing I will go to a big store for so win - win.

I rent but I am thinking of divising planter box system and growing a passionfruit vine over the front fence to share with the neighbours.

I started out at first... by taking my own shopping bags to the grocery store and that is all I could manage for many years... but recently I got a wave of energy to try a few more things as well.
My eventual plan is to join or co-create food co-op and resources sharing centre and extend my 'community garden' by growing more produce on my own balcony and sharing with friends and family... and neighbors once my confidence outside my immediate social circle grows.

One thing I have learnt is to keep records of all the local organisations which support my desire to live more sustainibly... these resources may one day help others like me

And so... I will kick this little space off and see what becomes of it (if anything I have just planted a little seed).

I hope that it can be a fun space which encourages creativity and connection.
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