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Old 15-02-2006, 09:54 PM
silver swan
Posts: n/a
Hi Angela. My original reply to this thread was lost so I will write another. I have never experienced anything as frightening as this myself . It must have been terrifying! However I do not believe it was a bad spirit trying to frighten you. I think it was your spirit guide trying to warn you. I have been told that if ever spirit does anything that you do not like you should tell them to stand back. I have experienced my name being called in the middle of the night and also had things moved in my house. I think it is spirits way of letting you know that they are around. Sometimes I ask spirit a question and time goes by and nothing happens and I forget about it. Then all of a sudden the answer pops into my mind or I come across a book that answers m question. I believe that this is spirits way of guiding me on my life path. Maybe you should ask your guides to find a different way of guiding you in the future. I am sure that they will take heed. Hope this helps x

Last edited by silver swan : 15-02-2006 at 10:05 PM.