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Old 20-05-2017, 05:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by PlatitudePluto
It certainly could happen but I agree with looking at other possible obstacles first. It very well could be that you're intimidating somehow or they just don't feel like they measure up. Otherwise this is a personal question but do you have a specific reason to think a spirit might be sabotaging your potential relationships?

.If it was normal I wouldn't post about it here.I posted to get opinions because it felt strange.In fact the house I am living is over a century old and has never been restored. We already feel the negative energy in the house.No financial improvement, family quarrels, mental instability etc We are making arrangements to shift to a house of our own as this house we live now belongs to my great aunt.Her plan is to sell this.But in a psychic reading i got in January the psychic told the owner( late great grand ma) doesn't like this to be sold but later in another reading she said she agreed.However we are still looking for a good buyer.Anyway back to the issue, I have been dumped/rejected by a fleet of guys who changed their minds overnight.They were the ones who came after me except for one person who I had a crush on.The rest were interested in me.It's like a repeating story.A guy seems to be interested in me,he approaches me,then he does things to impress me, we become friends,he asks me out,I take a little time and starts to date,I get excited,the following day or 3 days later I get a message from the guy I am sorry I don't want this.Or I am sorry I can't get over my ex.Something comes our way and the guy changes his mind.I never got the chance to continue a single relationship for more than 3-4 days.My friends even told me (for fun though which I later started to think more serious) that there's something wrong that makes these guys repel.Because it is really fishy indeed.It has been happening over and over and over again.Now I can predict what will happen next.Also I have a hard time getting out of the house.Wherever I go I rotate back.Something comes my way to make me hate the place, or either I fall ill ..something happens and I come home.Believe me or whatever I am almost caged.Sometimes I stay at home for a month without stepping out of the house.The last time I went out was for this date with a a guy who I met on facebook and who I have been chatting with for 6 years .He friendzoned right after the date.It was not like he has never seen me before.We have seen each other time to time in seminars and accounting classes.I don't know what happened.He was head over heals for me and everything turned upside down within few mins.He said I was not the type he expected me to be.In other words I wasn't looking the way he wanted me to look.Wth he has seen me before.That's why he wanted a relationship.He wanted to know me better.At least to date me or hang out more so that we get to spend time together.But he changed his mind within mins.He apologized to me saying I feel terrible because it was all about the looks.Now I feel so insecure about myself.He didn't friend zone he completely checked me off from his circle.He and I have known each other for 6 years.This is not the first time.This has happened way too many times.This only makes me lose friends/people in my circle and this is not normal.And my friends feel sorry for me.Even they are confused about what is going on in my life.I have no faith in relationships or love right now.All I know is that something is wrong,it is clear to me and I need to fix it before anything else.
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