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Old 16-05-2017, 07:22 AM
Starry_Night Starry_Night is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 76
woke up to a spirit?

Hey, so I wasn't too sure on what to make of this and so I am reaching out to any thoughts or input. I was awoken in the middle of the night during a dream. I was in the "half-asleep" state when I saw this police man who felt to be Nigerian walking towards me from where the door was. He was smiling at me and kept walking closer. My cats were at the end of the bed. They were very calm both staring at the door, but I couldn't tell if they could see him. I freaked out and quickly turned on the light. The man felt benevolent and it felt as though he was in my dream prior to waking up to seeing him with my physical eyes.

Do you think I was still dreaming with my eyes open? Do you think he was a spirit or ghost? Just looking for thoughts.
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